HORIBA TestWork 10 Export Manager
User Interface of Export Manager
MDF 4.1 Export
HORIBA TestWork supports exporting test run data in MDF 4.1 format.
This results in the following advantages for the operator:
- When exporting in MDF 4.1 format, norm tags are exported including system tag information.
- When exporting in MDF 4.1 format, MDF 4.1 meta information is supported.
Meta Data
Meta data is information that the operator can add and retrieve additionally to the test run data logged by default. This additional information e.g. can contain information on the tester, special aspects about the test item, test sections and arbitrarily further information.
Meta data can be created, edited and deleted as long as the test run is active. In order to ensure revision safety, meta data becomes write-protected after the end of the test run.